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Hear what our clients have to say about their workouts and their experiences.

Personal Trainer Squamish

Personal Training

Personal Trainer Squamish

Carrie has been training me for about 12 years. I am a senior and would not be as active as I am without her expertise. Not only is she very qualified and knowledgable as a professional trainer but she will research problems and adapt my program to ever changing conditions so that I can keep moving forward. She is my lifeline!
- Sharon Kupsch

Carrie makes me sweat! I have been working with Carrie for the past 2 years and I cannot recommend her enough. She has been instrumental in pushing to achieve my fitness goals. I have seen significant improvements in my strength, endurance, and overall health since working with her. If you are looking for a personal trainer who is knowledgeable, supportive and committed to helping you achieve your goals, I highly recommend Carrie!
- Eric Foskett

This is the first time I've been brave enough to work with a personal trainer as I consider myself to be too old and out of condition so I approached the experience with some apprehension!!! It was clear as soon as I started to work with Carrie that my concerns were unnecessary as she put me very much at ease immediately. Carrie was great at asking questions to identify my goals, and to understand what would work best for me. She created a tailored, realistic but challenging routine that has become progressively more demanding over an 8 week period and has really encouraged me to do things that I would have thought were well beyond my modest capability! Carrie has a gentle but focused and determined style which has worked particularly well for me. I've really enjoyed working with Carrie and I'm very pleased with the results.
- Barbara Robinson

Personal Trainer Squamish
Personal Trainer Squamish

I have had 6 sessions with Carrie, and I am feeling fitter than I have done for many years!
The first thing that Carrie did was to clarify what my goals were. I wanted to improve my core strength, flexibility and stamina and we have worked on this over the past few weeks. Carrie has an excellent knowledge of a wide range of aspects relating to fitness and she applied this knowledge very skilfully to develop my individual programme. She has great inter-personal skills and has been able to motivate me to work harder than I have done for years. She has a really subtle way of making you work harder every week, changing the programme to make sure that you’re always being stretched. She is also sensitive to any limitations you might have (for example injuries.) Carrie has also made the sessions really enjoyable by bringing lots of variety into the sessions.

Over the years I have worked with half a dozen personal trainers and Carrie is undoubtedly the best I’ve ever worked with! I can safely say that she is excellent and I would recommend her without hesitation.
- Paul Makin

Carrie is supportive but tough. She’s pushed me to try new things, lift heavier weights and do the ab exercises I hate. But it’s payed off. I’m so much stronger, I can run faster and feel more confident. Carrie is incredibly knowledgeable and thoughtful in her training. She helped me recover after two major surgeries. And I’m probably in even better shape now.
- Kate Best

Training with Carrie is a pleasure. Professional, experienced and knowledgeable, she readily adjusts exercises to accommodate any current physical limitations.  Training sessions are always varied and designed to ensure a full body workout while at the same time advancing the level of difficulty.  As a senior, I regard the time spent working with Carrie as a key investment in my health.
- Margo Novak

Personal Trainer Squamish

I've tried to get fit and lose weight over the last few years since having my children by joining various weight loss clubs with little to no success.

Carrie has; given me the motivation to succeed by her positive manner with her exciting fitness program which includes brand new exercises she's given me the spring back in my step, i feel alive again she makes it fun and enjoyable and she works my body from top to toe -using muscles I didn't know I had.
- Yvonne Pestell

Having never had a personal trainer before, i need not have been daunted at the prospect of seeing Carrie. She is really friendly and has never made me feel embarrassed at my lack of experience and fitness. I have really enjoyed my sessions with her to date as she pushes you to keep going without pressurising you too much! I can feel a real difference in my general fitness both from a cardio-vascular perspective and in relation to my core strength.
- Sarah Crewe

Personal Trainer North Vancouver
Personal Trainer North Vancouver

With regard to my personal trainer Carrie Malcolm, do not be fooled by Carrie’s quiet and unassuming manner.  I have used a number of personal trainers over the last few years, but Carrie is one of the toughest trainers I have used.
Carrie has developed a programme for me which fits around the many injuries and medical problems I have, but is still able to give me a complete body workout.
After only six weeks I am definitely fitter, and my cardio ability has increased by a significant amount too.  Although I work hard and push myself in the gym on my own, I would never work out to the level I am now doing with Carrie.
If you want a full-on trainer who will push you to your limits, I would definitely recommend Carrie.
- Karen Smith

My husband and I have been personal training together with Carrie now for several years. She has been flexible when we can't make it to the gym to provide the option of a virtual workout or re-schedule to another day. Carrie is extremely knowledgeable in her field and her expertise provides us with a workout that is challenging for the level each of us are at. Carrie can tell if an exercise is too easy or too hard and modifies it so that we get the most benefit without injury. She corrects our technique and motivates us for continuous improvement. Each session is challenging with lots of conversation and both David and I have noticed significant improvement in our level of fitness and strength.
- Franci & David Stratton

Carrie Charlton Personal Trainer Squamish

Working with Carrie has kept me focused and the time flying during each session. She is able to apply exactly what you want to work on to a personalized work-out, which I found really helpful. She's friendly and funny, and breaks the stereotype of the intimidating personal trainer. Give her the chance to show you what you can achieve!

- Adele Hurst


I decided to use Carrie's services to provide me with greater motivation in my keep fit endeavors.  Four weeks in, I can see the difference she is making to my physique and my wife and friends are commenting positively as well.
- Jeff Lee

Personal Trainer North Vancouver

I was so lucky to get referred to Carrie 2 and a half years ago! She has completely changed the way I feel about working out. She is so encouraging and has the ability to inspire you to train your hardest while still keeping it fun. I look forward to my workouts and training with her every week!

Training with Carrie has helped keep me motivated and surpass my all of my original fitness goals. I have become so much stronger and toned than I thought possible.  Her workouts are well planned and challenging! She is extremely knowledgeable and skilled with a great eye for detail, to ensure you are always targeting the correct muscles. I can’t recommend Carrie enough!
- Kim Dennis

Mom & Baby

Mom & Baby Fitness Squamish

I started the postnatal classes when my baby was almost 3 months, 4 months later and I feel like I'm in better shape than I was in before getting pregnant.  Carrie and Alyssa are great instructors,  the exercises are all safe for postnatal moms and I feel like I get a great workout.  The classes are also a great place to meet other moms and babies. I've been recommending the postnatal classes to all new moms I know.

- Emily Myles

As a mum herself, Carrie just gets it! Her fun classes help new mums get active and meet other new mums in town. The focus on core restoration, movement and strength building is suited to postpartum recovery and so beneficial. I can honestly say it's one of the highlights of my day on a Monday and Friday. I recommend it to all new mammas in town!

- Emily Berkel

I've always been just a cardio girl. I love to hike and walk/ jog but I am inexperienced with being in the gym. I have been intimidated to do a group work out in a gym because of the fear of embarrassing myself.. until now! I love my work outs with Carrie! She has a natural way of putting my insecurities at ease and at the same time pushes me to challenge myself.


My work out day is the one day a week I am doing something completely for myself and it feels damn good! I feel refreshed and energized after her workouts and the next day I feel my muscles toning!

Recently, I have been experiencing pulled muscles around my rib area. Carrie instantly can switch up the exercise so that it isolates that one muscle and I can do my workout pain free!

I know I will be continuing my work outs with her even as my baby grows up. I have been learning so many workout regimes from Carrie but I enjoy going to the workout classes to meet all the other moms.   I consider myself more introverted but I listen in to all the convos and have lots of fun with the other mamas. If you are at all thinking of starting this new mama workout group, please give it a try. It is so important for moms to do something positive for their mental and physical health during this challenging first year of baby's life.
Thank you Carrie, I don't think you even know the positive impact you have on my life. Squamish is lucky to have you!

- Lisa Suh

Mom & Baby Fitness Squamish
Mom & Baby Fitness Squamish
Mom & Baby Fitness Squamish

I joined Carrie's mom and baby classes when my twins were nine weeks old. The workouts are always well-rounded and focused on different muscle groups. Carrie incorporates exercises and stretches based on recommendations from her clients, as well as taking into consideration any injuries or anything postnatal. Having twins, it wasn't always easy to get out of the house, these classes were a great way to get back into shape. Carrie is awesome!

- Katie Wellman

I began Carrie's Mom & Baby Fitness class when my son was 4 months old and continued once a week until Leo started daycare. Carrie was very knowledgeable about post-pregnancy bodies and what types of workouts were best, even at the individual level. Post-pregnancy, women tend to have aches and pains caused by lifting baby, breast feeding, hormones. If I were to let Carrie know something was bothering me she would give me alternative workouts. She also loved my son and when I was busy with a workout she would be there to give him and the other babies attention while instructing us moms. Talk about multi-tasking! I would for sure recommend her class, and if you can go twice a week to maintain the strength level. I wish I could still attend her class!

- Lindsay McGhee

Carrie is the perfect trainer, she's sweet but firm, motivating in the most positive ways, and she truly considers the individual needs of her clients. She bends over backwards to work around differing schedules, abilities and goals. We all need more Carrie in our lives!

- Julie Morgan

Mom & Baby Fitness Squamish


Prenatal Fitness Squamish

Carrie's prenatal fitness classes are the reason I was able to stay as active as possible during my twin pregnancy. She has a way of explaining things so clearly and supports you individually even though you are in the group class. Many of my new mum friends I met through her classes. A wonderful community workout, I always left feeling positive and energized.

- Emily Berkel


With Carrie's guidance I worked-out through my whole pregnancy. As my belly grew Carrie was understanding of my needs and adjusted our work out session to keep me fit and prepare my body for delivery. Her knowledge, passion and creativity kept me confident, motivated and interested. I strongly believe that staying active greatly contributed to my healthy pregnancy and fast post-partum recovery.
- Dominique Ross

I attended Carrie's prenatal fitness classes during almost my whole pregnancy with my first child, and after he was born I attended her mom and baby fitness classes until he was 10 months old. I am so grateful to have had this experience, not only was it educational but fun. I learned safe exercises and how to support my pelvic floor and core, before and after labour. It was an amazing way to meet fellow moms in the community and felt like my weekly therapy. I attended Carrie's classes before I was pregnant and I have always left feeling stronger and more aware of my body, she is an amazing trainer and I am so happy I had that support and education during all the changes in my body that pregnancy and birth brings. Being able to be challenged with a full body workout and interact with my baby at the same time is so great. I definitely recommend any of her classes!
- Jennifer Just

Prenatal Fitness Squamish
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